Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Vidhi Bhanushali
Dentist, co-founder of DentalDost, Pune, Maharastra, India

Dr. Vidhi Bhanushali is a passionate dentist. She is Pierre Fauchard Award Holder and International Merit holder. She is Founder & Cofounder at Dental Dost.
Just like other male-dominated fields, dentistry is unfortunately also sailing in the same boat! You’ll be shocked to know that while the male: female ratio in dental colleges in India is 30:70, it sadly is almost reversed when it comes to dental practitioners in the country. Naturally, the remaining 50% somehow balancing their personal and professional lives and only 5% of the total female dentists in India today occupy a leadership position. These numbers are also sadly reflected in the country’s dental council and Indian Dental Association. Since its inception, (1946) the IDA Head-Office has had only one woman as president, till date, and no female secretary-general! Same is the case with DCI. As the co-founder of DentalDost, I feel extremely proud and happy that we are a women-led dentaltech start up giving multiple opportunities and roles to female dentists in India. Right from giving dentists opportunities to work-from-home, to contributing to how dentistry is now delivered, especially in the middle of a pandemic, there’s so much room for every dental surgeon to add value, create impact, and make a difference! At DentalDost, my majority-female team is delivering a dental diagnosis, treatment plans, and post-treatment follow-ups using smart technologies in two unique ways: First is the 24x7 free dental helpline, completely dedicated to helping patients facing pain or other emergencies, give second/third opinions and give a transparent pricing list. With this helpline, we give patients direct access to qualified DentalDost dental surgeons 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for free, and that too within seconds! Second is our smart AI-ML-powered DentalDost app that uses our ML-algorithm to deliver dental diagnosis and remedies within seconds to patients and helps them imbibe good habits and daily hygiene to achieve the best oral and eventually overall hygiene. All of this is only possible because my all-women dentist team, who without any hesitance or reluctance work 24*7 and deliver their 100%.
- Dental public health
Location: Madrid, Spain
Session Introduction
Swathi Premkumar
BDS, Amrita School of Dentistry, Cochin
Title: Adoption of Digital Impression Techniques in Modern Dentistry: A Multi-Country Exploratory Study
Swathi Premkumar is a dentist from India and has completed her Bachelors in Dental Surgery (BDS) from Amrita School of Dentistry, Cochin. She also completed her MBA with healthcare management emphasis from West Texas A&M University. She has clinical experience in India and has volunteered with multiple dental practices in Texas,USA. Her research interests include new dental techniques and tools, implementation and adoption of management practices in dentistry and financial evaluations to improve practice efficiency.
In modern dentistry digital Impressions (3D intraoral scanning) is the method of capturing a replica of the mouth using digital tools and advanced software. The benefits of digital imaging such as improved accuracy, interoperability, patient satisfaction, and time savings are well researched and published. However, the adoption and preference of digital impressions vary across countries and there exists differences in opinion among dental practitioners. Digital impression is proposed to be an alternative to conventional impression technique. However, the scanning quality of digital impression is strongly influenced by patient-related factors, and tooth shape and margins..Therefore, as the first step of CAD/CAM, how accurate digital impressions are compared to conventional procedures is an essential issue that needs to be considered. The objective of this study was to understand factors driving digital impression adoption among dental practitioners and develop a comparative view across geographies. Research method used is exploratory survey based information capture and analysis using the survey tool google forms. Multiple survey responses from the US, India and Middle East were used in the study and respondents were dentists and dental assistants educated and practicing in these countries. Our results show adoption of both digital and conventional impression techniques across the countries while 33% of Asian practices use only conventional techniques. Both the techniques are considered equally good in terms of impression quality while there is preference for conventional systems while performing more complex procedures. A detailed analysis on the preference criteria for each of the techniques was also performed as part of this study. A comparative analysis on the factors driving digital impression techniques was performed and cost elements seem to be a driving factor across geographies. Another important element identified in this study is the fact that digital impression techniques are rarely practised during dental education and highly recommended by dentists to add to curriculum. Another common outcome as agreed by practitioners across geographies is the improved patient satisfaction. The overall research findings show digital impression techniques have high levels of acceptance while conventional techniques are going to continue as an industry standard.
Apoorva Patel
MDS – Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai
Title: The pulpal response to dental procedures
Apoorva Patel has completed her BDS and MDS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics) from Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Dentistry (Dayanand Sagar University). She has published many papers in reputed journals and actively involved in Biomedical Innovations Research.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This holds true for the routinely performed dental procedures as well. The preservation of a healthy vital pulp during operative procedures and successful management in cases of the disease are important challenges for a dentist. The pulp is an organ with remarkable reparative abilities, and the pulpal response varies with the extent and type of stimuli as well as the innate characteristics of the dental pulp and overlying dentin. This response may vary from inflammatory and immune reactions to degenerative changes. Dental procedures like tooth preparation, periodontal and orthodontic procedures, the use of local anesthetics, lasers, and vital bleaching agents, all affect the dental pulp to a certain extent. Also, the use of various dental materials can elicit a distinct pulpal response; depending on the cytotoxic nature, acidity, etc. The clinical practice of dentistry relies on the inherent capacity of the dental pulp to cope with many of the injurious challenges during dental procedures. A better understanding of pulpal reactions to dental procedures would help to prevent the unwarranted insult to the pulp and may reverse the disease process and return the dental pulp to its original form and function.
Fabiano Vieira Vilhena
PhD TRIALS – Oral Health & Technologies, BRAZIL
Title: New perspectives in antiviral and oral tissues repair technologies in times of COVID-19
Dr. Vilhena graduated in Dentistry (1996) - Federal University of Alfenas - Brazil, Masters of Science in Public Health (2005), PhD in Oral Biology (2009) and Postdoctoral studies in Biological Sciences (2018) - Bauru School of Dentistry - University of São Paulo - Brazil. He has worked for 24 years in ​​Public Health, experienced in RD&I - Health Technologies. Nowadays, he is the Research Director of TRIALS - Oral Health & Technologies and his current work areas are oral tissues regeneration and antiviral activity.
Our lifestyle has contributed to a significant increase in oral diseases such as dental caries, dental erosion, tooth sensitivity and periodontal diseases. These issues are due to stress, unhealthy habits and an inadequate nutrition. Moreover, the risk of contamination and dissemination by SARS-CoV-2 has a strong link with the mouth. On the other hand, new technologies have been developed to fight against these problems, especially REFIX®ï¸ technology (Dental Regeneration) and PHTALOX®ï¸ technology (Antiviral and Soft Tissue Regeneration). Patients with sensitivity due to dentin exposure reported rapid pain relief from day one of using REFIX®ï¸-containing dentifrice. This technology is efficient not only to block dentine tubules but also to prevent against tooth decay and acid attacks. During brushing, the bioactive formula binds in the tooth, catching scattered particles found in the oral environment, mainly calcium and this complex forms a hybrid layer containing silicon-enriched hydroxyapatite. This biomimetic layer can resemble the tooth as an enamel-like. PHTALOX®ï¸ Technology is a bioactive compound that acts on the production of reactive oxygen. In times of SARS-CoV-2, PHTALOX®ï¸ has shown antimicrobial (antiviral) activity as well as improving oral health. It was also reported that patients who tested positive for COVID-19 experienced a significant reduction in their clinical symptoms (mouth ulcers, sore trougth, cough, among others) and their length of hospital stay after using the PHTALOX®ï¸ mouthwash. To sum up, the results found with a regular use of REFIX®ï¸ and PHTALOX®ï¸ Technologies had a positive impact on patients, providing a healthier and pain-free daily life.
Walid M. Elebiary
Graduated, faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Saudi Arabia( Gulf Smile Dental Center)
Title: Role of L-PRF in Periodontology
I am Egyptian, graduated from the faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University 1992. I had Diploma of Restorative Dentistry and Fixed Prosthodontics 1995 and Master degree of Oral Medicine and Periodontology 1999. I worked as a resident at the faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University Department of Periodontology. I am working in private practice since 1992 and lecture in many international conferences
Wound healing is a complex biological process were many cellular events taking place simultaneously leading to the repair or regeneration of damaged tissues. Many attempts have been made in the field of tissue regeneration aiming to repair, regenerate or restore damaged tissues. Attempts were done using biomaterials including allograft, zenograft, alloplast which showed foreign body reaction. Therapy using platelets concentrates was introduced to utilize the body’s natural healing capacity. Growth factors could be collected as Platelets rich plasma (PRP) or platelets rich growth factor (PRGF). Both were containing anti-coagulants which inhibit wound healing, that’s why L-PRF was developed.
L-PRF is a 3-D autogenous combination of platelet rich fibrin derived from the patient blood. It shows excellent working properties with ease of manipulation as its resilient, strong, playable, subble and adherent.